ameri Travels
Hi! We’re Rob and Odette Ameri, two full time travellers that are seeking adventures around the world and share their stories on Youtube, Instagram and this blog.
We met back in 2017 in the city of Bangkok while we were both solo travelling through Southeast Asia, and well we basically have been
inseparable ever since. Since we’ve met we have lived on over four different continents and traveled to many destinations. Our journey so far has taken us through Southeast Asia, Oceania, Europe, The Middle East and North America where we hiked mountains, saw more sunrises than we can
count and explored the hustle and bustle of some of the world’s largest cities.
We are currently travelling around the world seeking out more adventures, unique experiences, and new travel stories to share with you. Be sure to join us on our adventures by following along on our Instagram and Youtube
or keep on reading to get to know us a little bit better!
Who’s Rob?
Hi! I’m Rob, one half of Ameri Travels. I’m a Canadian who worked in the automotive industry for over fifteen years when I decided that my talent and passions lay elsewhere. So with a one way ticket in my hand to Europe I left for trip around the world. It didn’t take me long to realise that my true passion wasn’t just for travel, but also for videography and story telling. I absolutely love waking up early in a new destination and heading out with my camera to capture not only our adventures but also our daily life on the road and to share it with you on our Youtube channel.
Who’s Odette?
Hi! I’m Odette, the other half of Ameri Travels and the writer of this blog. I was born and raised in the Netherlands and after obtaining my Economics degree I decided that I’d rather travel and pursue my passion for photography then find a 9-5 job. So I left home with on a one way ticket to the Middle East with the plan to make my way to China where I would start teaching English. Well… that did not happen and I ended up in Bangkok instead where, yes you guessed it, I met Rob! Like Rob I love spending my days exploring new destinations with my camera, capturing stories and memories through photography and sharing those with you here on our blog and on our Instagram!